GHOSTBUSTERS Logo Gets Revamped By Several Artists for "No Ghost Logos" Art Show
Ghostbusters has one of the most recognizable movie logos ever made. It’s a simple image of a ghost that is trapped in a “no” symbol. That design was created by producer and designer Michael C. Gross, and to pay tribute to the man, there’s an art show opening today in Los Angeles called “No Ghost Logos.”
Over 30 artists are participating in the show and each one gives their unique take on the classic Ghostbusters logo. I have included a few pieces that will be on display below.
The show takes place tonight from 7-9pm October 30th at Creature Features, which is located at 2904 West Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA. It’s a pretty awesome little monster movie shop that is worth checking out even if you’re not going to see the art. You can click here for more information.