GHOSTBUSTERS Reboot Director Paul Feig Lashes Out at His Haters

Ever since the new Ghostbusters reboot was announced, and we found out Paul Feig would be directing it, fans have expressed their dislike for the concept and the fact that such a great classic film is being rebooted. I've been among the fans who have complained!

Feig decided it was time to address these complaints and he took to Twitter to lash out at the haters and the media who leaked the cameo appearances. It's actually kind of amusing to see a director get fed up about all this shit and lose his cool. 

Feig then addressed the supporters of his film: 

So yeah, Feig finally got fed up with all the bashing, and he decided to vent his frustrations on Twitter. I'm still not really all that excited for the movie. I don't care that he cast for women in the lead roles, I'm a fan of them. I just don't like the fact that Ghostbusters, which is one of my all-time favorite films, fell victim to the Hollywood reboot monster. 

If the movie turns out to be good, awesome! I'm just not expecting it to be as good as the original. What are your thoughts on Feig's hater lash-out? 

Then there's this...

Ghostbusters opens in theaters on July 15th, 2016.

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