Green Goblin’s Glider Is Real! Check Out the Flyboard Test

Zapata Racing has created an actual hoverboard called the Flyboard, and it’s pretty much a real life version of Green Goblin’s glider. This thing can fly up to 10,000 feet, and it goes over 90 mph! How freakin’ cool is that?! They even released a video showing it in action, which you can watch below:

Zapata Racing has achieved the dream of mankind and offers you the first video of Franky Zapata flying on the innovation Flyboard® Air.
The Independent Propulsion Unit represents 4 years of hard work for a result exceeding all records:
- Autonomous flight up to 10,000 feet
- Top speed of 150km/h (93,2 mph)
- 10 min autonomy
Although the UFO is still in prototype phase and won’t be on the market in 2016, it has exactly the same behavior as the WFD Flyboard® Pro Series.

I want one!

Zapata Racing has achieved the dream of mankind and offers you the first video of Franky Zapata flying on the innovation Flyboard® Air.

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