Guess Who Provided The Voice For BB-8 in THE FORCE AWAKENS?
Star Wars: The Force Awakens hasn't even hit theaters yet, but the cute little droid BB-8 has already become a fan favorite character. Want proof? Check out all of the stuff we've already written about that's been tagged with "BB-8." The droid is a jaw-dropping practical creation that fits perfectly into the world of the film, and it practically steals the movie. The character will surely become even more beloved over the years (rightfully so), but here's something that might be surprising to fans right now: two awesome actors actually did voice work to give the character a vocal personality.
Drew McWeeny at Hitfix noticed that two guys are credited as "BB-8 Vocal Consultant": Saturday Night Live and Trainwreck star Bill Hader, and Ben Schwartz, who played the incomparable Jean-Ralphio on Parks and Recreation and stars on Showtime's House of Lies. Drew reached out to Hader to ask him about his experience, and the actor described it like this:
"JJ f**king around with this sound effects app on his iPad that was attached to a talk box operated by me. It looked ridiculous but it made BB-8's voice. At first I tried doing a voice, but we all agreed it sounded too human."
What a cool piece of trivia! As you all know, The Force Awakens opens in theaters tomorrow night. You can read my spoiler-free review right here.