Han Solo in Carbonite Rugs
A couple of weeks ago, Sideshow Collectibles unveiled their life-size statue of Han Solo in Carbonite. Like me, most of you probably drooled over it at first glance but shuddered when you saw its $7,000 price tag. If you’re looking for something in a more reasonable price range, or just want something that won’t take up half of your living room, perhaps these rugs from Think Geek will do the trick. These Han Solo rugs come in either 71”x31” for $49.99, or 90.5” x 39” for $69.99. They are a perfect way to show your love for the Star Wars character… by stepping all over his frozen face.
If you don’t want a frozen Han Solo as the centerpiece of your home, but still want to show your Star Wars pride elsewhere in your house or on your person, check out the Han Solo in Carbonite door decal, light-switch, and iPhone case.
via: GeeksAreSexy