Han Solo's Backstory Just Got A Lot More Interesting Thanks To Marvel's New In-Canon STAR WARS Comic

Han Solo may be the most beloved Star Wars character of all time. Harrison Ford brought an incredible swagger to the role of the space smuggler in the original trilogy, and he's the clear "bad boy" of the galaxy far, far away. I'd argue that part of the reason we like him is because he has a sense of mystery to him. We don't have every piece of his history completely mapped out, so there's room for everyone to use their imaginations to fill in Solo's backstory however they want — until that rumored prequel fills in some of those gaps, anyway.

Now, Marvel's ongoing Star Wars comic has just filled in a major plot point in the character's history. And remember, along with the barrage of upcoming books this year, the comic is one of the few things that's actually considered canon in the Star Wars universe. So this is the real deal, folks.

This news could be considered a major SPOILER, so if you don't want to know, then click away right now. Here we go...

Han Solo is married?! That seems like a game-changer. I haven't read the comic yet myself, but as io9 points out, this comic is set just after the first Death Star explodes at the end of A New Hope, meaning that Solo has been married since the first time we saw him in that cantina, and depending on what happens in this comic, there's a chance he's married during The Empire Strikes Back, also. I'm sure whatever happens here will retroactively change how we watch Han and Leia's relationship develop over the original trilogy in a pretty significant way.

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