Happy 25th Birthday, Game Boy! Top 5 Favorite Games

VideosGames Game Boy by Joey Paur

I remember getting a Game Boy when it was first released in 1989. I spent hours upon hours playing that thing. It was just so damn cool! It was a Nintendo in the palm of your hands, how could it get any better than that for an 11-year-old kid!? The Game Boy was first released in Japan on April 21st, 1989, and I thought I'd celebrate by giving a rundown of my top five favorite games. 

I haven't played these games in years, but as I was looking around for them and watching the gameplay videos, so many great memories came flooding back. I played these games over and over and over again. It was really fun revisiting these games, and it makes me want to go on ebay to buy myself a Game Boy!

Look over my list below, and let us know what some of your favorite Game Boy games were!

Gargoyle’s Quest 

Hey all, just wanted to share my favorite GB game as a kid. I hope the random mob fights don't make the video too boring. I considered showing only the boss levels but I decided to give you the full game. Hope you enjoy it!

Metroid II: Return of Samus

Game Boy (Nintendo - 1991).


From a 1989 TV broadcast, advertising Nintendo's new GameBoy, Tetris, and link cable.

Bionic Commando

Your a special corps officer and your assigned to complete Super Joe's mission but all you get to begin with is a grappling hook and a pistol...what the fuck? Super Joe is one of the gayest names for a hero I've ever heard...

Super Mario Land

Part 1 Gameplay

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