Happy 25th Birthday, Game Boy! Top 5 Favorite Games
I remember getting a Game Boy when it was first released in 1989. I spent hours upon hours playing that thing. It was just so damn cool! It was a Nintendo in the palm of your hands, how could it get any better than that for an 11-year-old kid!? The Game Boy was first released in Japan on April 21st, 1989, and I thought I'd celebrate by giving a rundown of my top five favorite games.
I haven't played these games in years, but as I was looking around for them and watching the gameplay videos, so many great memories came flooding back. I played these games over and over and over again. It was really fun revisiting these games, and it makes me want to go on ebay to buy myself a Game Boy!
Look over my list below, and let us know what some of your favorite Game Boy games were!
Gargoyle’s Quest
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Bionic Commando
Super Mario Land