HBO Planning SHUTTER ISLAND Series with Martin Scorsese

Another feature film is set to be adapted for the small screen. HBO, Paramount Television and Martin Scorsese are teaming up to develop a show based on the 2010 hit film Shutter Island.

The series is tentatively being called Ashecliffe, which is the named of the isolated insane asylum that the story is set in. According to Deadline Scorsese will direct the pilot episode, which will be written by Dennis Lehane, who is the author of the best selling book that the movie was based on. 

The report reveals that the series will take place before the events that took place in the film. "The focus is the past of hospital, and the secrets and misdeeds perpetrated by its founders who erected the hospital in the early 20th Century and developed the methods of treatment use for the mentally ill."

I'm not only loved the movie that the series is based on, but this subject matter has always intrigued me. I spent years studying the history of what happened in these insane asylums, and the things these doctors and nurses did to other human beings in the name of science was absolutely barbaric. The subject matter is something that will work perfectly for a series on HBO. I'm looking forward to see how this series develops. 

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