HBO President Says Potential GAME OF THRONES Spin-Off Would Be a Prequel

If Game of Thrones is getting a spin-off, it's going to be a prequel. That's what HBO head of programming Casey Bloys is telling EW, anyway, and the move seems smart. Here's what Bloys said specifically on the matter...

“A prequel feels like it has less pressure on it [than a spin-off]. [Author George R.R. Martin’s history of Westeros] gives you areas in which to say to a writer, ‘If you were going to do this, then go flesh it out,’ and we’ll see what comes back. But I don’t feel any pressure that we have to have something.”

It's definitely a safer and smarter option to stick to the source material as opposed to attempting to create something entirely new. That said, we only really have the barebones telling of "Robert's Rebellion," and while the books add a little more detail, there's still a lot more that can be fleshed out! 

I'm most for this option because it lets us see Sean Bean back at the helm of the series, and the peak of the "King in the North" reign. I always thought it sucked that we see Winterfell collapse when they're built up to be so cool from the very start. 

Another thing that would be awesome to see is the Targaryen family and their three dragons with which they ruled the land. The more I think about it, I might actually want to see this series more than the ending of Game of Thrones! Let's hope HBO makes it happen!

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