Here’s What Michael Keaton’s BATMAN 3 Costume Looked Like

I would have much rather seen a third Batman movie from Tim Burton than those Joel Schumacher Batman turds that followed Batman Returns. If Warner Bros. hadn’t scrapped Batman 3Michael Keaton would have reprised his role as the Dark Knight, and the images you see here, show us what his costume would have looked like. As you can see, it's very different than what we saw in the first two Batman films, and it’s fascinating. 

These photos come from sculptor José Fernandez, who sculpted some different versions of Keaton wearing different Batsuit designs. My favorite design is the one at the top. It’s a little simpler in style than the other one that you’ll see photos of below. The other designs kind of reminds me of what we would saw people wearing on Krypton in Man of Steel. It's still cool though! These are much better designs than what we saw in Batman & Robin, and there are no nipples!

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