Horror Movie Homes Featured in Art Series by Jason Edmiston
Artist Jason Edmiston is the creator of this horror movie art series that focuses on the homes of the monsters in these films. These are a part of the Mondo art show called "Home." When talking about his series of art, Edmiston said:
"I wanted to challenge myself. My comfort zone obviously lies in portraiture, but I wanted an incentive to broaden my abilities while staying true to subjects I adore. Last spring I pondered what to tackle for Mondo Gallery's House Party group show. Mondo’s art guru, Mitch Putnam, suggested painting a series of small, monochromatic horror houses. Normally this type of subject only gets a secondary focus in my work when it appears at all, like the cabins in my Hateful Eight or Evil Dead posters. I really enjoyed trying to give the same dramatic expression to these structures that the human element normally carries. For this show, I expanded the concept by tackling a wide variety of houses or what could essentially be considered homes from well known horror properties using a punch of red to highlight a significant element."
You can check out his wonderfully made series of art below.