Imaginative Animated Short - THE INCREDIBLE MARREC

The whimsical and fun animated short comes from a great team of directors that consist of Regis Aillet, Alexandre Bass, Clement Chaudat, Etienne Devillée, and Maxime Moreira. It's called "The Incredible Marrec," and the story focuses on an old mariner who tells a young boy the story of his most epic catch. I love a good tall tale, and that's exactly what this short gives us. It's a beautiful heartwarming story that anyone will enjoy, so I hope you like it!

Marrec is an old mariner. When he comes back from a fishing party, a boy is waiting for him on the dock. Marrec is going to tell him the story of his most epic catch... Note: adapted from the original language (french) by our dedicated actors, Vincent Grass and Nathalie Homs Version française : DIRECTORS (ESMA Montpellier, France) : Régis Aillet : Lighting, Compositing, Matte Painting, Visual development Alexandre Bass : Texturing, Lighting, Fur rendering, Shading, Compositing Clément Chaudat : Rigging, Animation, Cloth Simulation, Development Etienne Devillée : Visual Effects Maxime Moreira : Animation Direction, Modeling Voice actors: Nathalie Homs (The Kid), Vincent Grass (Marrec) Music: Jacob Thomas Czech Sounds: José Vicente, Yoann Poncet Ecole Supérieure Des Métiers Artistiques de Montpellier 2013

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