Infographic: How To Zombie-Proof Your Apartment

Infographic Zombies by Ben Pearson

This is one of the most detailed and informative infographics I've ever come across. Though a zombie apocalypse seems pretty unlikely to actually happen, this infographic from (of all places) actually gives you some useful, practical information about how to survive the onslaught of the undead. It gets pretty dark, recommending that you keep a sledgehammer or axe in your place so you can tear through your neighbor's walls to avoid zombie-infested hallways if the situation gets bad enough. But hey, I guess if it's a zombie apocalypse and it comes down to me or them, sometimes tough choices have to be made.

If you're thinking, "Crap, I don't live in an apartment, I live in a house," we've got you covered on that front, too. Let us know what you think about this below!

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