INVINCIBLE IRON MAN Mural Depicts Origins of the Mandarin

I've got a set of beautiful and awesome art to share with you that focuses on the origins of the Mandarin. These were created for Marvel's 2007 animated film, The Invincible Iron Man, by supervising director Frank Paur. Here's what said about about the illustration above on his Facebook page.

"The idea was to be a blend of comic illustration and ancient parchment painting telling the story of the origins of the Mandarin, our villain for the movie. We opted for something else and I left them all unfinished. But during the time they were fun but a total pain in my backside."

As for the art below, he says:

"More of the Iron Man murals of the Chinese elementals doing their thing. the bgs were done by Fedja Jovanovic."

These things would make amazing prints! I'm sad Marvel isn't making good animated movies anymore. 

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