J. Jonah Jameson to Appear in Future AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Movie?

The Daily Bugle editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson is a great character in the Spider-Man universe, and he's a major piece missing from director Marc Webb's rebooted franchise. He employs Peter Parker to take photos for the paper. He is also not a big fan of Spider-Man. 

The role was brilliantly played by J.K. Simmons in Sam Raimi's films, and it sounds like there is a chance he could come back and reprise his role in The Amazing Spider-Man 3 or one of the other Spider-Man movies being made. While doing a live Google+ Q&A for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the director talked about the character, saying,

"I like the idea very much of him coming up in the next film. It was more easy to accept a new Spider-Man than someone who could outdo J.K. Simmons in that role. He is so iconic. That's something we've really talked about. Obviously I love that character because he poses such an interesting dilemma for Spider-Man. The answer is... I don't know, but I think you can expect to see him in the future."

He's right about not being able to replace Simmons in the part. It's hard to think of anyone who could play Jameson as well as he did. It's like he was born to play that character. It will be great to see this character back in the Spider-Man cinematic universe, so hopefully they bring him back for the next film.

You can watch the Q&A below.

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