James Wan Says He’s Bringing His “Horror Element” to AQUAMAN — GeekTyrant

James Wan Says He’s Bringing His “Horror Element” to AQUAMAN

Director James Wan briefly took the stage in Hall H at Comic-Con to talk about his upcoming feature film adaptation of Aquaman. The filmmaker is best known for his horror film work on properties like Saw, The Conjuring, and Insidious. It looks like he’s going to bring his talents of creating horror to Aquaman as well. 

While talking to 7,000 fans at the con, Wan excitedly talked about the film and what he plans on bringing to it, saying:

"Fucking Aquaman! What can I say? Aquaman’s such an amazing character. I love the fact that he’s never really been portrayed in the feature movie world before... and the opportunity to explore this universe, you know, bring a bit of my horror element into this. The deep sea is a scary world. And then also explore the wondrous world of atlantis. That’s all I have to say."

And that’s all he really did say. He didn’t really offer any other details. But the thought of seeing Wan’s vision of the dark and horrific deep sea world is exciting! It’s cool that he’ll be drawing from his strengths bring this story to life. This is completely different territory for Wan to explore, and I really hope that he is able to give us something overwhelmingly cool and completely unique. 

The movie is set to be released on July 17th, 2018.

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