JOHN WICK Directors Could Helm Chris Pratt's COWBOY NINJA VIKING

Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt may be an early favorite for Disney's revival of Indiana Jones, but before he (possibly) dons the fedora of the world's most famous archaeologist, Pratt will suit up in the film adaptation of the comic book Cowboy Ninja Viking. That project was left without a director when Marc Forster (World War Z) left, but now Variety reports that John Wick directors David Leitch and Chat Stahelski are in early talks to replace him.

The story, based on the comic written by A.J. Lieberman with art by Riley Rossmo, follows a man with schizophrenia who is part of a government program to turn schizophrenics into assassins. Pratt will play Duncan, who has the personalities and skill sets of a cowboy, a ninja, and a viking, and his attempt to hunt down the billionaire who began the program. 

Pratt, who has apparently earned enough clout that he has final say on who will direct this movie, reportedly met with Leitch and Stahelski and liked them enough to give his stamp of approval. John Wick was pretty great (though I will admit to it becoming a little repetitive after a while), and I'm excited to see if these directors can bring that same frenetic pacing and energy to a project that sounds perfectly tailored to their interests.

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