In a recent interview with Total Film, former Doctor Who star Karen Gillan talks about Guardians of the Galaxy. She is playing Nebula in the James Gunn-directed sci-fi adventure film. When comparing Guardians to the rest of the Marvel universe she says,
"What's different about Guardians is that, all the heroes, everybody [in the movie] is a bad guy. There's just good guys within the bad guys."
That's a pretty good explanation of this group of characters, which is one of the reasons I'm so excited about this movie. In the footage we saw at Comic-Con, one of John C. Reilly's agents called the team "a bunch of assholes," which seemed like an apt description.
Gillan then addresses the rumor about a Guardians vs. Avengers film, saying,
"That sounds really cool, but not something I’ve heard anything about. That sounds amazing. I’d be open to that."
I'm sure one day they will all team up for an epic adventure. I'm sure that is one of the big events that everything is leading up to. She goes on to talk about who from the Avengers she would be most excited about meeting.
"Iron Man. Robert Downey Jr. is really funny. I just love the tone of the Iron Man films. You can really see Robert Downey Jr.’s influence on those films. I love how they talk over each other. There are all of these two shots and there’s such a specific tone to all of the acting that I really love in those films."
All I know is that Guardians is going to be an epically awesome film, and that audiences are going to freakin' love it! I just can't wait to see Gillan kick some ass!