Marvel Still Deciding How To Handle IRON FIST Series
With the recent success of Daredevil, and the writing process of their new Luke Cage series nearing completion, Marvel has been working diligently to ensure all their future projects are as successful as its first Netflix series. Now, BirthMoviesDeath is reporting that the Marvel team is still struggling to find a decent pitch for its announced Iron Fist series.
Supposedly the main issue the team is struggling with is how mythical the proposed series should be. In the comics incarnation, Danny Rand is a trained kung fu specialist who can channel his body's chi into his fists. This allows him to have super strength and glowing hands, which obviously would bring a more supernatural element to the series than was presented in Daredevil.
That being said, if you make him just a kung fu expert then you run the risk of essentially making him Daredevil with sight, which would make for a boring lineup of characters going into the future.
There is a potential for supernatural, however, as BMD points out:
There were some moments in the first season of Daredevil that opened the door for weirdness in Iron Fist, most notably the seemingly-supernatural powers of Madame Gao. The show also had a glimpse of a symbol that appeared to hint at Iron Fist villain Steel Serpent, although everything I have read and heard indicates that stuff was thrown in as easter eggs, as opposed to being part of a meticulous plan.
I'm hoping Marvel does NOT go the realistic route with Iron Fist. By the time this show premieres, we will be several shows deep into the Marvel superhero series, and I'll need something over the top to shake up all this ultra-realistic doom and gloom.