McDonald's Gets Chocolate-Covered French Fries in Japan!

McDonalds by Joey Paur

McChocolate Potatoes! That’s what McDonald's is calling these chocolate covered french fries that they’re selling in Japan. The fries are drizzled with both white and milk chocolate. This could be one of the greatest things ever, or it could be absolutely disgusting. All I know is that I want to try them!

The item will hit Japanese stores on January 26th, and they will only be around until mid-February. It will cost patrons 50 cents to upgrade your fries to chocolaty greatness. This is what the official site explains, via Google Translate:

“The salty of the potato, the taste of surprise sweetness of the chocolate source is applied, Please enjoy.”

Maybe one day McDonald's will be brave enough to try these out in the States so that people like myself can give them try!

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