Millennium Falcon Mounted 3D Light Looks Like It's Tearing Through Your Wall

If waiting until Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuts in December is causing you physical pain, or if you bawled like a baby when seeing Han and Chewie in the teaser, this is probably something you're interested in. NerdApproved points us to 3DLightFX's mounted light that looks like the Millennium Falcon is ripping its way straight through your wall. It's battery powered, so there won't be any ugly cords you have to hide; this can just be there right on your wall by itself, maybe surrounded by some cool Star Wars art or something. I don't know, I'm not an interior decorator. If you'd rather have something outside instead of inside, these porch lights might be more appropriate. The 3D light should be available soon, so check the official site for more details.

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