Musical Marvel Supercut Features X-MEN, SPIDER-MAN, AVENGERS, and More
Spider-Man is heading to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which means that we're one step closer to seeing an epic superhero film with all of the Marvel comics characters sharing the screen. It's only a tiny step closer, though, because — as you all know — different studios own the rights to different Marvel characters. But supercuts don't have to follow any of those rules. They're allowed to mash things up however they see fit. Robert Jones has cut together a musical supercut of all of the modern Marvel films, not just ones that fit in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That's right, you'll get a glimpse of Howard the Duck, Blade, the Spider-Man films, and the X-Men movies alongside your favorite MCU heroes. Crank your speakers and check it out below:
Via: LaughingSquid