Name All of the Johnny Depp Characters in this One Cosplay

HumorPhotos Cosplay by Eli Reyes

This is the perfect example of when indecision goes terribly, terribly RIGHT! C’mon, you know this is brilliant, so give it up for this guy. This walking all-you-can-eat buffet of Johnny Depp cosplay looks like something that crawled out of the nightmare of someone who just binge watched all of Depp’s films on Netflix. And! he managed to cosplay all of these characters without painting his face white... somewhere in the world Tim Burton is shaking his fist in the air.

Do your best to name all of the characters being represented here in the comments section below. Or, come up with a cool name combination for him for extra points. (If anyone knows the name of the cosplayer or photographer, please let us know so we can credit them.)

[Reddit via: Fashionably Geek]

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