New Trailer for NBC's Horror Thriller ROSEMARY'S BABY
NBC has released a new full trailer for their horror thriller mini-series Rosemay's Baby. This looks like it's going to be really good. You get to see Zoe Saldana go into crazy intense mode in this new trailer.
In the story, "Rosemary is the iconic young wife and would-be mother who, with her husband, moves into a Paris apartment that has a darkly storied past. After finally getting pregnant, she becomes increasingly suspicious that both her husband and their mysterious neighbors have ulterior motives about the future of her child."
If you haven't seen Roman Polanski's original film, I suggest you check it out. It's creepy as hell. I know this TV version won't be as good, but it still looks like it will be entertaining to watch. It premieres on May 11th.