Olly Moss' Rejected TOP GUN Sketches

Art Olly MossTop Gun by Mily Dunbar

Olly Moss is a fantastic illustrator who has designed some of my all-time favorite posters. He’s in high demand, designing for studios, video game companies, Mondo, and his own art shows. But even he doesn’t bat 1.000. Yesterday he tweeted these rejected Top Gun designs along with an explanation of why they weren’t accepted.

I was asked to do three Top Gun posters but I could only come up with volleyball ideas so the sketches were rejected

Ha! That is hilarious, and that poster with the volleyball helmet? That is genius. I don’t know who rejected these, but big mistake. Huge. I doubt I’m the only person who would gladly pay money to hang these on my wall.

You can check out more of Moss’ work here.

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