POKKEN TOURNAMENT Coming To Wii U Spring 2016
The popular Japanese arcade game and first Pokemon fighting game Pokken Tournament is coming to the U.S! Kotaku reports we should see the game hit shelves stateside in Spring 2016. Obviously this is awesome news for Wii U owners, Pokemon fans, and fighting game fanatics.
The game is almost more comparable in style to Power Stone than Street Fighter, as the movement of fighters looks fairly fluid and open. No official roster has been announced yet, but the Pokemon I've seen include Machamp, Lucario, Pikachu, Charizard, Guardevoir, Gengar, Suicune, Weavile, and Blaziken. I'm sure we'll see more annonuced as the date draws closer.
I was super jealous when I first heard about this game and watching all the footage of people playing it in Japan gets me all the more hyped! See some of the game in action below!