Possible JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie Details

Zack Snyder's Batman Vs. Superman is rocketing toward production and is going to to set the stage for a big, epic Justice League movie. Some recent news on the project include Gal Gadot being cast as Wonder Woman, and a rumor that Metallo will end up being one of the villains. I'm excited to see what kind of story they will tell, and how they will lead into Justice League.

The same site that brought us the news about Metallo, Think McFly Think, is back with some more information on that Justice League movie and other actors who have tested for the role of Lex Luthor. As far as Justice League goes, their source offers up a bit of interesting information, saying, 

"The concept we’ve heard plays Superman represents the world as a whole (Being an immigrant of Earth he speaks for everyone), Batman would represent the United States with the American Affleck in the cape-and-cowl with the Flash possibly portrayed by an Hispanic or Laitno actor and as we saw announced yesterday an Wonder Woman played by an Israeli."

Each superhero representing a different country would give the film a bit of a political overtone, and would also help differentiate it from The Avengers.

As far as Lex Luthor goes, they say that Denzel Washington was their top choice, but when that didn't pan out, they apparently went to Idris Elba (Thor: The Dark World), but he's a Marvel guy so that didn't work out either. They also say that the studio has approached Arrow's David Ramsey

None of this information has been confirmed, so for right now just consider it a rumor, but the site has been right before, so let's see what happens. 

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