Rainbow Suit Batman Shows Up in TRINITY #1
If you have been keeping up with DC Rebirth, then you know Pre-New 52 Superman took the place of New 52 Superman after his death. A welcomed change by most, you can now read about Pre-New 52 Superman and how he fits into our universe in Action Comics, Superman Rebirth, Justice League Rebirth, and Trinity. Francis Manapul provides both the writing and drawing for Trinity, and it focuses on the relationship between Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman and the bond that ties them together. I think he did an amazing job and can see this story really developing in further issues.
In the first issue, we find our heroes having dinner at Clark and Lois’s farm and Batman clearly has some reservations about Superman’s son, Jonathan, having powers he can’t control. To ease the tension, Superman shares a hilarious memory Dick Grayson told him back on his Earth. Early in Robin’s career, when his identity was on the brink of being exposed, Batman wore a Rainbow Batsuit costume to distract the villains and keep the attention on him! The costume is hilarious and it’s great to see the Dark Knight dressed so comically. It’s a nod to Detective Comics #241, but slightly less cartoony than the couple iterations of it I've seen. Being the New 52 Batman, this Batman doesn’t remember any of it and is not amused.
The New 52 was formed by stealing time and memories from all of our heroes and cramming their history into only five years. They simply did not go through all of the things that this Pre-New 52 Superman has, and instead only retained a fraction of their superhero experiences. I thought this was an awesome inclusion into the issue and it really showed how our heroes are going to have to get to know each other again and grow to be as strong as they once were. They still have their reservations, but I am sure the DC universe will adjust to the new status quo in no time.