RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER — New "Aim Greater" Trailer and Box Art
A new teaser trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider has been released called "Aim Greater," and it features the main character on a dangerous journey to a tomb that doesn't have a very easy access point. This game is the follow-up to 2013's awesome Tomb Raider reboot, and here's a description of what the sequel entails:
Set after Tomb Raider, Lara Croft's experience of the supernatural on Yamatai has been covered up by the organization Trinity. In order to prove she is not insane Lara becomes obsessed with finding the truth behind myths around the world. Rise of the Tomb Raider follows Lara Croft and Jonah Maiava as they search Siberia for the ancient city Kitezh, built by the Grand Prince of Vladimir in the 13th century, which Lara believes holds some truth behind immortality. In a race against Trinity, a well funded organization interested in the supernatural, Lara must survive against humans, animals, and the environment in order to find the truth behind the myths and become who she was destined to be.
Featuring epic, high-octane action moments set in the most beautiful hostile environments on earth, Rise of the Tomb Raider delivers a cinematic survival action adventure where you will join Lara Croft on her first tomb raiding expedition as she seeks to discover the secret of immortality.
The game is set to be released during the holiday season later this year. I'm sure we'll get more information about it at E3 later this month. I've always been a fan of Tomb Raider, and I'm excited to see more of what this next chapter in the franchise has to offer.