Paul Bettany Is The Vision in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON
Variety has confirmed that Paul Bettany will play The Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, so this previously reported rumor just took another step toward being official.
A new rumor from reputable movie scoopers at Daily Mail UK will make fanboys very happy. They are reporting that Paul Bettany, who has voiced JARVIS in four Marvel movies, is going to be The Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It’s unknown how JARVIS and The Vision will be connected cinematically, but I’m sure the internet will now run wild with fan speculation.
Talks with Bettany have been kept super secret and reportedly have already advanced to the point that they…
“…did a series of costume, hair and make-up tests and worked with stuntmen and armourers.”
“Make-up experts were using various powders and potions on Bettany’s pale skin to bring about the Vision’s chalk-white complexion.”
In the comics the Vision is an android who was created by Ultron and is married to the Scarlet Witch. It will be interesting to see how these dynamics will be adapted to the big screen.
I really hope this rumor is true, as Bettany could bring such amazing depth to the Vision.