Ryan Reynolds Crashes The DEADPOOL Honest Trailer

Has there ever been a better fit for an Honest Trailer than Deadpool? It's a smash hit R-rated superhero movie with a quippy, snarky sense of humor and a childish bent to many of its jokes — sounds like those two were made for each other. Bonus: Ryan Reynolds himself shows up (in voiceover form) to join in on the fun.
Want to know more about how we made this Honest Trailer? Join us for Honest Commentaries LIVE at 12pm PDT ►►http://www.screenjunkies.com/video/honest-commentary-151-deadpool-3019489 You asked for a Deadpool Honest Trailer, and BOY did we deliver. You're welcome in advance you ****** ******* **** *******!
Ben Pearson
Lives his life a quarter mile at a time. //
@benpears // benp@geektyrant.com