Samuel Anderson Joins Series 8 of DOCTOR WHO (Spoiler)

TV Doctor Who by Mick Joest

It appears that the Doctor and Clara will be getting a new friend as actor Samuel Anderson joins the cast of Doctor Who. Show runner Steven Moffat gives us the details on Anderson's character below...

"For the fourth time in Doctor Who history, Coal Hill School is coming to the aid of the TARDIS. In 1963 teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright accompanied the First Doctor. These days it's the turn of Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald. And very soon now, Sam Anderson as Danny Pink will be entering the world of the Doctor. But how and why? Answers are coming later this year in Peter Capaldi's first series of Doctor Who!".

It seems all the interviews I've seen here lately has Moffat really harping on the similarities between Peter Capaldi's Doctor and the classic doctors. I'm sure this means this season will be a blend of old and new, which I cannot wait to see!

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