SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD Gets an Honest Trailer

ScreenJunkies are back with their latest Honest Trailer, and this one takes a look at Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. By now, you know what you're getting when you tune in to one of these things: stale jokes, surface level commentary, etc. As someone who read the comics and really enjoys this movie, I feel like this video doesn't engage very much with the movie. There's a lot more going on here than this Honest Trailer gives the film credit for.

One of my fondest pop culture-related memories is being at Comic-Con in 2010 when Wright led a select group of Hall H to a theater to unveil the movie right there in San Diego, with Metric playing live on stage.

Also — and it's been a while since I read the whole series, so maybe I have this wrong — but doesn't the comic end with Scott and Ramona together, capping off with nearly the same shot of the two of them disappearing into one of Ramona's subspace doors? What are these guys talking about where they rewrote the ending so Scott ends up with Ramona in the movie? I'm pretty sure that's (more or less) how it goes down in the comic.

Anyway, check it out for yourselves below:

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