Sensational Animated Short Film - LEGEND OF THE FLYING TOMATO

This wonderful animated short film Legend of the Flaying Tomato was created by Michael Yates, Aurry Tan, and Sharon Huang. The story has a positive message about finding your inner strength to overcome the obstacles that life throws you. Here's a brief synopsis:

Once a victim of bullying, Frida finds a hero in the legendary luchador El Pirana. However she finds herself at her lowest once more when she's ridiculed during the biggest wrestling match of her life. Through an unexpected meeting with a mysterious taco salesman, Frida learns that she must find strength in herself to overcome her demons.

I hope you enjoy it!

Once a victim of bullying, Frida finds a hero in the legendary luchador El Pirana. However she finds herself at her lowest once more when she's ridiculed during the biggest wrestling match of her life. Through an unexpected meeting with a mysterious taco salesman, Frida learns that she must find strength in herself to overcome her demons. Created by Michael Yates, Aurry Tan and Sharon Huang Michael Yates - Aurry Tan - Sharon Huang - Follow us on facebook for behind the scenes snippets!

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