SIN CITY 2 - First Look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jessica Alba, and Mickey Rourke
This is our first look at Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. The images feature Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Johnny, Mickey Rourke as Marv, and Jessica Alba as Nancy Callahan. When talking about the character Nancy, Rodriguez told EW, “You see a little girl in that first film. By the end of this, she’s the avenging angel.” Even though Nancy is still dancing at Kadie’s, Miller explains, “She is sick of being treated — as she puts it — ‘as a piece of ass.’” Well then, maybe she shouldn't work in a place like that.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For weaves together two of Frank Miller’s classic stories with new tales in which the town’s most hard boiled citizens cross paths with some of its more repulsive inhabitants. In Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, Dwight is hunted down by the only woman he ever loved, Ava Lord, and then watches his life go straight to hell. Chronologically, this story takes place prior to “The Big Fat Kill” (featured in the film Frank Miller’s Sin City) and explains how Dwight came to have a dramatically different face.
The movie is set to be released on August 2nd, and I'm sure it will at least be just as good as the first movie was.
Via: Comingsoon