Sinbad Stars in Hilarious Fake SHAZAAM Film Footage For Aprils Fools Day — GeekTyrant

Sinbad Stars in Hilarious Fake SHAZAAM Film Footage For Aprils Fools Day

One of the greatest April Fools Day joke to hit the internet this year was some fake video footage of a non-existent 1990s Sinbad movie called Shazaam

For those of you, who aren't familiar with Sinbad's Shazaam, there's a strange phenomenon where a ton of people who grew up in the 90s have memories of watching a film called Shazaam that starred the comedian Sinbad. The funny thing is... the movie has never existed.

This phenomenon is known as The Mandela Effect, in which "a large number of people share false memories of past events, referred to as confabulation in psychiatry. Some have speculated that the memories are caused by parallel universes spilling into our own, while others explain the phenomenon as a failure of collective memory."

Anyway, Sinbad teamed up with College Humor to create some footage from this movie that so many people have claimed to have memories of seeing and it actually turned out to be fun and clever. It looks exactly like something you'd totally seen in a silly 1990s kids movie. Check it out!


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