Some Guy Wants to Make Lightsaber Duels an Olympic Sport

Movie Lightsaber by Joey Paur

Darren Sherman has started a campaign to try to make Lightsaber duels an Olympic sport. He has released a fun video giving us all of the reasons why Lightsabers need to be included in the 2016 Olympic games in Rio. The most compelling argument he makes is when he points out all of the other ridiculous events that have been included in the Olympics over the years. 

Lightsabering is the fastest growing sword sport, with millions of fans across the globe. This noble and iconic sport deserves to be an official event at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio! 

Look, we all know that Lightsabering will never be in the Olympics, but if it were… I’d watch it! Would you!?

Lightsabering is the fastest growing sword sport, with millions of fans across the globe. This noble and iconic sport deserves to be an official event at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio! Please share this video and help give lightsabers the recognition it deserves!

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