Sony Creating a ROBIN HOOD Cineverse — But Why?
Art by JessiBeans
I'm tired of using the phrases shared universe, cinematic universe, connected movies, and shared cinematic universe. I'm using "cineverse" from now on, and I hope other people start using it, too.
Sony is already creating a Spider-Man cineverse and feels the need to make one based on Robin Hood. Nothing is official just yet, but just that fact that this on track to becoming real just seems insane to me. Cory Goodman (The Black List) and Jeremy Lott (The Falling) have created a pitch titled Hood. THR reports that Sony is paying $1-2 million for this pitch, on top of the costs of making all these movies.
The general concept is to have separate movies for Little John, Friar Tuck, and Will Scarlett - with a team-up featuring Robin Hood and his Merry Men in somewhat the same template as The Avengers. Tonally, the movies will be heist and spy movies.
When readers complain about reboots and remakes I often cite Robin Hood as an example of something that has been retold over and over. If Goodman and Lott have created an idea that makes Sony want to invest millions in a possible film franchise, my hope is that it's mind-blowingly good and not just a case Avengers envy.