SpongeBob and Spider-Gwen Character Mashup: GwenBob SquareHoodie
This has got to be one of the most gloriously amusing character mashup designs ever! It's Spongebob Squarepants combined with Spider-Gwen. It was created by comic artist Scottie Young and he calls it "GwenBob SquareHoodie." In regards to the sketch, the artist says:
“As a kid who grew up reading Mad Magazine, the idea of parody mashups really appealed to me. The first sketchbook I ever filled was front to back drawings of Bart Simpson as every pop culture figure i could think of. Mike Tyson, Beetle Juice, Michael Jackson, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, MC Hammer, etc. Pages and pages of Bart mash ups.
“In the spirit of that kid I used to be and obviously still am, enjoy a new the next step of the Gwenvolution…or Gwenaissance…Gwenmagedeon… or Gwhatever. :)”
I enjoyed this sketch so much that it’s currently my iPhone wallpaper.