Radical G.I. JOE Cartoon Character Cosplay Video
I've got an awesome cosplay video for you to check out featuring several cosplayers dressed up as G.I. Joe characters from the classic '80s series. The video was shot at DragonCon as a tribute to their fallen friend. I am a huge G.I. Joe fan, I rarely see G.I. Joe cosplay like this, and I'm completely blown away by the costumes in this video. A big thanks to Blake Faucette of Distractotron for sending this over to us. I love it! I really hope the rest of you enjoy the cosplay! I Also included some photos taken of the cosplayers below.
G.I. JOE Cosplay Tribute For a Fallen Friend Shot and Chopped by Blake Faucette Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Distractotron Find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Distractotrontv Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/videoguyblake/ Music: "Epic Song" licensed at: https://audiojungle.net Footage filmed at: Dragon Con 2016 http://www.dragoncon.org/