STAR TREK BEYOND Gets a Batch of Awesome Artwork From Poster Posse
Orlando Arocena
I have my fingers crossed that Star Trek Beyond is going to be great, and I really hope director Justin Lin is able to come in breathe some fresh life into that franchise after Star Trek Into Darkness, which has its supporters but I think, years after its release, is largely disliked by a majority of Trek fans. To celebrate the new movie and to honor the franchise's 50th anniversary, the awesome artists at Poster Posse have put together an amazing collection of Star Trek art. You can find all of the pieces at their website (starting right here), but I'm going to pull a bunch of my favorites and paste them below for you to enjoy. The film hits theaters on July 22, 2016.
Orlando Arocena
Kevin Tiernan
Robert Ekblom
Rich Davies
Payback Penguin
Mike Mahle
Chris Malbon