STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Takes Place Before Original STAR TREK

The new streaming exclusive Star Trek: Discovery series will take place before the original the original series according to Ain't It Cool News. The evidence was apparently on the teaser for the ship "Discovery" the entire time. Showrunner Bryan Fuller elaborates:

“There’s a big clue in the number of the ship [NCC-1031] that indicates when we’re set,”

The registry number of the original Enterprise series was NCC-1701, so it's safe to say this takes place quite a bit before Kirk and Spock hit the skies. Just how far before remains to be seen! We can assume the series at least takes place after Star Trek: Enterprise, but I don't know anything for certain. It would be really cool if we see the same era that Tiberius Kirk was alive!

I still have no plans to buy CBS All Access for this show and I'm super envious of the non-US and Canada crowd who will get to watch it on Netflix! Why can't they just air it on television?!

Fuller says he's going to be dropping a lot more spoilers for the series on August 10th, so keep those pointed ears out, Star Trek fans!

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