STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS — 67 Screenshots and Trailer Analysis
After waiting in line all Wednesday night and getting just one terrible hour of sleep, I was able to watch the Star Wars: The Force Awakens panel at Star Wars Celebration. If you missed the panel, I filmed it and you can watch it here, it's filled with many special guests. Zapped of any energy, I pretty much crashed after the panel. My trailer analysis is a bit late, but I do have the benefit of being able to glean the best theories/guesses/rumors. I've captured 67 screenshots at 1920x800 that can be conveniently downloaded from a single zip file.
Better looking Lucas Film Logo
Introducing a new dessert planet named Jakku. Rey (Daisy Ridley) on a speeder.
That's no mountain, it's a spaceship. An Imperial Star Destroyer to be exact. In the foreground a downed X-Wing fighter. Both victims of the "Battle of Jakku" which we will see in the upcoming game Star Wars: Battlefront (BTW - New trailer). The X-Wing is one from the classic trilogy as the split wings engine is a full circle.
Darth Vader's melted helmet, as far as we can tell there is no skull inside. This looks a lot like the leaked concept art from a few months ago.
"The Force is strong in my family" monolog is a reprise from Return of the Jedi. Thanks to Daniel Plumb we have an audio comparisons from both movies.
R2-D2 and very likely Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill).
The robotic right hand matches the one Luke lost in Empire Strikes Back. Speaking of things Luke lost...
This is Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber that Luke lost when he got his hand cut off. Everyone's educated guess is that the person receiving the lightsaber is Leia. Some speculate that its Rey handing it over, Mr. Sunday Movies thinks it's an alien.
Next generation T-70 (Split circle) X-Wings flown by "Resistance" pilots. According to Empire Magazine the Rebellion is now the Resistance.
Actor Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) during the celebration panel said of his character Poe:
“He’s the best frickin’ pilot in the galaxy. He’s been sent on a mission by a certain princess and he ends up coming across Mr. John Boyega’s (Finn) character and their fates are forever intertwined.”
Kylo Ren (rumored to be Adam Driver) swings this cross-guard lightsaber. A bit blurely but in the final selected frame you can see a Stormtrooper that links into later shots in the trailer.
Rey, BB-8, and Finn under attack from a Tie Fighter
In the lower left you can see some flame thrower Stormtroopers. We have sharp photos of what they look like and lots costumes and props from The Force Awakens on display during Star Wars Celebration.
Kylo Ren turns and ignites his saber and reaches out using the force. His mask matches leaked concept art from 3 months ago.
The Empire also has a new name "The First Order." They also have a new symbol. Who ever is on stage must be important. Lots of speculation on who it is but It's all guesses.
On the left side a black Tie Fighter with white panels that some are calling Inverted Ties or Stealth Ties; I'm just going to call them New Ties until we know for sure.
The First Order Stormtroopers look so cool.
Rey shoots a pensive look
New Tie Fighters, some speculate in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon.
It's been rumored that Finn escapes The First Order on a stolen Tie Fighter. Based on how much they have been talking about practical effects I wouldn't be surprised if most of this sequence was shot practical.
Finn removes his helmet that has a bloody hand print. He looks very distraught.
The First Order Star Destroyer and new troop transports.
Chrome armor and red and black cape. Many speculates that it's Captain Phasma (rumored to be Gwendoline Christie)
BB-8 it what looks like the Millennium Falcon interior.
BB-8 is not CGI but is a practical and self contained droid. Not sure how it works but it's some real movie magic. Lots of people think the head uses magnates to stay in place over the spinning ball body.
Rey helping Finn. Rumor is that they become romantically involved.
"She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid" Han Solo
Based on it's scale many believe that many this is an upside down Super Star Destroyer.
The First Order Pilots feature a clean and aggressive look.
This seems like it's going to be a tight fit.
"Chewie, we're home" and very clearly on the Millennium Falcon. Whats interesting that that they have their weapons raised.
Sound-off in the comments if I've missed any of your favorite theories.
Might as well watch it one more time...