STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS — Ultimate Supercut of Every Trailer

We all knew it would eventually happen, and here it is. The video below is a supercut of every trailer that's been released for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This might very well be all of the footage that we see of the film until the movie is released on December 18th. 

The video was sent into us by its creator Science Vs. Cinema, and it's really well done. It's awesome seeing all of this footage combined in one ultimate trailer for the film. To check out all of the other Star Wars: The Force Awakens stuff that we've previously posted, click here.

After already buying my tickets for the film, it feels like I should be seeing it this weekend. December 18th seems so far away!

Science Vs. Cinema co-creator James Darling has mashed together the ultimate SUPERCUT for Star Wars: THE FORCE AWAKENS using all 3 trailers and the Comic-Con BTS reel. Check out Andy "Copernicus" Howell's article on Ain't It Cool News:

I also included another cut of the trailers that was created by 3D-Station:

Just a Star Wars fan Extended Trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens - Giant Trailer +d'info sur Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Official = Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2 =

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