Stunning CG Animated Sci-Fi Robot Adventure Short - NO-A
"NO-A" is a beautifully animated sci-fi film project that was directed by Liam Murphy. It’s an award-winning graduation film that was developed at the Savannah College of Art and Design by a team of eight talented students.
This is a seriously impressive film, and it has a great mix of action and a powerful heartfelt story. I loved the characters and the design work for them, as well as the world that they built to bring this touching story to life. Here’s a brief synopsis:
The world is a desolate, unforgiving place in this action sci-fi with a surprising amount of heart. We follow NO-A (Noah), as he attempts to rescue Aixa, the young woman that created him. In his desperate attempt to save her, he must face an unknown enemy force and fight to keep them both alive.
This is a wonderfully executed film, and I really hope that you all take the time to watch and enjoy it.