SUICIDE SQUAD Gets a Colorful (and Ridiculous) New Poster

This past weekend, Warner Bros. revealed a series of unique character posters for David Ayer's upcoming Suicide Squad movie that captured the essence of the villains without actually showing real images of the actors playing those characters. Now WB has unveiled another new poster (via Yahoo), which shares a similarly ridiculous color scheme and actually features pictures of the cast — although they've basically been Photoshopped to hell.

I appreciate the fact that they're embracing color and not relying on the same flat, dull, monochromatic look of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, so this movie definitely has that going for it. And regardless of how bad this poster is, at least the footage looks kind of cool, and I suppose that's what matters the most at this point. I know a new trailer is coming soon, so maybe we'll see more in tonight's CW special about the future of the DC Cinematic Universe.

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