Supercut of Drug Use on Film Practically Gives You A Contact High

VideosMovie Supercut by Ben Pearson

Capturing the feeling of doing drugs is something that films have attempted to varying degrees of success for decades. It's a tough thing to be able to replicate on screen, but there have been a number of visual and aural tricks developed over the years that try to provide audiences with the sensory explosion that characters feel when they shoot heroin, snort cocaine, or smoke a joint. Editor Jorge Luengo Ruiz has put together a supercut of drug use on film, which paints a pretty disturbing picture of what life must be like for an addict. There are far more filthy floors and shards of broken glass than cool parties and amazing experiences, so I suppose you could read this video as a deterrent to doing drugs. Are your favorite drug-heavy movies represented? I appreciated that the quick video game shot of Leonardo DiCaprio from Danny Boyle's The Beach made the cut.

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