Superman Gets Teased about His Underpants in This Comic by Kerry Callen
Kerry Callen has released a brand new, retro-style Super Antics comic strip. In it, some jerk-ass makes fun of Superman for wearing his underpants outside of his clothes. Of course, Superman makes the guy feel like an idiot. Here's a note from the artist:
"On this page, I tried to up the ante a bit in creating an old comic look. Not only did I misregister the color, but I also added a faint image of a reverse comic page, which would show through the newsprint. Yep. This is how I amuse myself."
You can check out Callen's other comic strips at the following links: Why it's Important for Superman to Clean His Ears, Funny Comic Tells Story Behind Superman's Iconic Action Comics #1 Cover Art, and Superman and Wonder Woman Discuss "Bullet Bouncing".