Targaryen Family Tree Finally Explained In Infographic

The world of Game of Thrones is notorious for having a ton of characters that on paper, can be difficult to remember. With House of the Dragon having recently finished it’s first season and no new season coming for at least a year you may have trouble remembering the Targaryen family tree, or more like the family tumbleweed with all the incestuous relationships rampant in the house.

Fortunately, ExpressVPN has created a helpful infographic that shows the Targaryen line starting with Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Alysanne Targaryen and going all the way to Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen. With how similar the names in the family can be, I found this to be extremely helpful in remembering who is who.

You’ll definitely want to give this a look over whenever House of the Dragon returns because let's face it, we’re all going to forget about at least one character or which cousin was married to a cousin or a sibling. ExpressVPN also included a helpful guide to the main characters that includes who plays them and a brief explanation of who they are.

They also include a BINGO card for watching House of the Dragon, and given entries like gratuitous nudity and 2+ platinum wigs on screen, it might be fun to see how quickly each episode can get you a BINGO. 

No author bio. End of line.
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