THE FLASH Movie Being Written by Phil Lord and Chris Miller

Earlier this week we learned that The LEGO Movie and 21 Jump Street directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were wanted to direct the feature film version of The Flash. It has been confirmed by Deadline that the filmmaking duo will also write the script for the film, and they are currently developing a story treatment for the DC Comics speedster superhero. 

There’s still no word if they will direct the film, but the studio obviously hopes that they will. The directors still have yet to decide what their next film will be, but if they choose The Flash, then it will be a DC movie definitely worth looking forward too. 

Ezra Miller has already been cast in the role of The Flash, and he might make his first appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. If not, he will definitely show up in Justice League - Part 1. There’s no word on which version of The Flash that he’ll be playing yet, but I think it will be Barry Allen. I’m sure we’ll know soon enough. 

Lord and Miller are a couple of very talented individuals, and they’re sure to at least give the movie a proper script. The solo Flash film will be released on March 23rd, 2018, which is six weeks before Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War- Part 1 is released.

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